Saturday, 8 November 2008

  This was an image from a story that I wrote and illustrated called 'How strange.'  The story is about how the world and the sun have fallen out and this causes everything on earth to go wrong. Day becomes night, the sea becomes the sky etc.
It was made from paper, wood and tiny lights then I photographed it to make it 2D.

Friday, 7 November 2008

Exciting news!

I have just found out that I am going to have an exhibition at the Centrespace gallery in Bristol which is very exciting! I am working on a series of book sculptures with a wintry and festive theme. I will post my new work as it is completed.

Friday, 17 October 2008

Animation set, Conningsby gallery

This image was a set that I made for Guillivers Travels by Jonathan Swift. It is made from the pages of old antique books, it lights up from the top of the trees. I played around with different lighting effects until I achieved this final result.